Frequently Asked Questions

What treatment shall I book?

If you are seeking treatment for an injury, specific medical condition or pain condition we recommend either clinical or myofasical release (MFR).

Myofasical release works well for long term chronic conditions and long term postural issues. All therapists trained in MFR are also trained in clinical massage so they will be able to apply appropriate techniques tailored to you. An initial consultation appointment of 75mins will be required for new clients.


If you particiapte in sports, have built up tension, recovering from a sports related injury and / or training for an event then Sports massage is recommended.


If you have general neck, back or shoulder tension or pain that needs attention but it's not a long term or diagnosed medical condition deep tissue massage is recommended and appointments vary from 30-90mins in length. 


If you are seeking help for swelling, lymphedma or post operative swelling then Manual Lymphatic drainage is recommended as this is a highly specialised treatment that differs from other massage treatments.


If you are looking for general maintenance, relaxation or to improve wellbeing then hot stones or deep tissue massage is recommended.



Can Clinical Massage help me as I have a specific medical condition?

Most likely YES! There is very little that Clinical massage is not suitable for and your therapist will do a full consultation so can advise accordingly.  As a general rule, clinical massage is for those seeking treatment for chronic pain and managing systemic conditions such as parkinsons. For auto immune and chronic fatigue conditions such as fibromylagia we recommend Myofascial release.



What is Myofascial Release (MFR) good for?

Lots of clients are recommended MFR for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, however, it is also great for systemic conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain (where other massage treatments haven't helped), postural issues where the body feels 'stuck', and much more. There are two approaches to MFR which can be applied to a structure issue such as posture / plantar fasciitis or a more gentle approach suitable for autoimmune conditions and chronic fatigue.



I have not had a massage before, what can I expect?

We usually require you to undress to your underwear and will drape large towels or blankets over you, fully respecting your privacy and uncovering only the area that is being treated. However if you are concerned please the therapist be aware, we understand completely. Many people wear shorts for sports massage, however this is not ideal as it makes it difficult to access the top of the hamstrings, glutes, and legs, which is a common problematic area. However, if you prefer to wear them that is ok.


Will the massage hurt?

Everyone is different so please communicate with your therapist. There may be an amount of discomfort and soreness after, which is normal. The most important thing is to let your therapist know what is comfortable for you.


What should I do/not do after a massage?

Drinking water is always a good idea after a massage and don't over-exert yourself after a massage, like going to the gym or for a run. You may be a little tired after, especially if you haven't had one for a while and its best to rest and fully absorb the treatment.


How many treatments will I need?

We are asked this question a lot and are often unable to give a straight answer as it depends on too many variables. The usual advice is to have two treatments close together (say one-two weeks apart) and judge how far you have improved between them as everybody responds differently, every lifestyle varies and also the time the injury has been present affects the response to treatment. 


Can I buy a gift voucher?

We do not sell gift vouchers as a clinic as the therapists are all independent, however if you know who you want to buy from there is a link in the gift voucher page, if not we recommend you book and pay the therapist direct if you would like to treat someone! 


Can you tell me why I am in pain?

Massage therapists do not diagnose conditions so although we can treat and assess, we always recommend you see your GP with any medical concerns. If we feel your symtoms require further investigation then we will always recommend you seek medical advice.



Any other questions please do not hesitate to ask!

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© Danielle Weaver SMA ACMT BTEC 6


